It started to go down from the height of coolness after The Burning Crusade has been out for a very long time, and most guilds who had Zul'aman on farm status had players with these things. The War Bear mount was awarded to players who managed to finish a timed event in Zul'aman that basically involved killing all the bosses in super speed. Since the Battle Bear is easy to get, though, it does not have the same status as the original War Bear. It has since been replaced by the Amani Battle Bear, which is the same model with a different color scheme. Even more so now as it is no longer obtainable. Obtainable From: Stratholme (Level 58–60)

That being said, it's still one of the coolest epic mounts in World of Warcraft. Not only has Blizzard decided to increase the drop chance, but virtually any class is now able to solo the whole of Stratholme therefore, it's just a matter of patience and rerunning the instance until you see this drop. Recently, Rivendare's Charger has gone down from being what was considered one of the hardest mounts to obtain in game to one of the easiest. However, the Baron you're after if you want the horse is the one from Stratholme. Baron Rivendare is a very busy chap he can also be found in the newly retooled Naxxramas. Rivendare's Charger, as you may have guessed, is the undead horse ridden by Baron Rivendare at the end of Stratholme. This mount is incredibly sought-after and is still available to this day. This was a major status symbol back before the days of The Burning Crusade.